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Cochlear Implant Support Group

Hearing Health Clinic

Your Cochlear journey starts here

IDHHC is proud to partner with St Paul’s BC Cochlear Implant Program to provide assessments and referrals on Vancouver Island. 

Cochlear implants are a device designed to restore hearing for individuals with severe to profound hearing loss. Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sound, cochlear implants bypass damaged portions of the ear and directly stimulate the auditory nerve. Consisting of an external processor and internal electrode array surgically implanted into the cochlea, these implants translate sound waves into electrical signals, allowing recipients to perceive sound. Not everyone is an appropriate candidate for cochlear implants, if you think you may be a candidate, St Paul’s have provided more information at Are You A Candidate? but ultimately, this can be discussed with your Audiologist.

Make an appointment today to find out if this is an treatment option for you.

***Cochlear implant Referrals Cochlear implant referrals are made directly to the BC Adult Cochlear Implant Program at St. Paul’s Hospital. To apply you must be 18 years or older. You can be referred to the program by a medical doctor (family physician, ear nose throat (ENT) specialist), a registered audiologist, or a registered hearing instrument practitioner. You can find out more at 

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The perks of membership are amazing!

The Island Deaf + Hard of Hearing Centre is a community of people who are committed to supporting and advocating for the deaf and hard of hearing communities of Vanvouver Island.  

As a member, you will receive access to a wide range of resources, programs and services that are designed to help you thrive. Whether you need educational support, social opportunities, or simply a place to connect with others who understand what you are going through, our membership provides you with everything you need to live life to the fullest. Join today and discover the benefits of being a part of the Island Deaf + Hard of Hearing Centre community.

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