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We hope you are all staying healthy and continuing to do your part in physical distancing yourself to continue to help British Columbia flatten the curve.

Our offices are re-opening and we are seeing clients by appointments. To help manage the flow and maximum capacity in each of our centres, all the staff are working part-time in the office and part-time remote from home. What ever day or work schedule they are always ready and happy to connect with you via phone, email, or face-to-face online (Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime). Please read below our reopening information effective June 1st so you are aware of the guidelines for any in-person appointments.

If you have any questions or need support during this time, please reach out to us.

All of us at IDHHC will continue to support the members of our community. We encourage you to reach out to us if you need support, or reach out to one another if you can provide support to someone else.

We are still here and will continue to do whatever we can, in any way we can, to support Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and hard of hearing individuals and families during this difficult time.

Client responsibility when attending appointments at IDHHC offices

  1. When booking an appointment, clients will be asked whether they have symptoms of COVID-19. They will be asked to cancel their appointment if they develop symptoms or have a family member who is confirmed or suspected of COVID-19. You will be reminded of this policy when you arrive for your appointment.

  2. Common areas for Victoria office: the elevator and public washrooms are the responsibility of the landlord, and as such: please remain 6 feet from the elevator before entering to ensure others may exit safely, only 2 people in the elevator at one time, use the stairs if possible, washrooms are cleaned 3 times daily but strong emphasis on personal hygiene including hand washing is encouraged.

  3. Clients must remain outside the premises until their scheduled appointment time. Our offices can not provide reception space for sitting to wait for an appointment. Clients should arrive alone (no children, friends or family accompaniment allowed). With the exception of disabled individuals and those persons who require accompaniment.

IDHHC offices will have a limited number of people on-site:

Nanaimo office – maximum capacity is 4, including staff and clients at any one time Victoria office – maximum capacity is 7, including staff and clients at any one time

  1. Facilities will remain locked and clients will need to use buzzer/knocking when arriving for appointments. All clients to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer upon entering centres along with mandatory requirement to use masks (If clients do not have masks they can purchase one upon entry for $1.00). Gloves are suggested. Avoid shaking hands or other unnecessary physical contact.

How we will keep you and ourselves safe

Service Delivery Standards – effective June 1 2020

  1. Identify and serve priority clients first (marginalized clients and those with limited access to technology).

  2. In-person service delivery/meetings may take place maintaining social distancing.

  3. Physical barriers will be in place when staff interact with clients.

  4. Physical distancing standards will dictate model of service delivery.

  5. Staggered staffing model and appointment schedule will be implemented to ensure social distancing is maintained.

  6. Virtual service delivery will be maintained when staff and/or client feel uncomfortable meeting in person, based on individual circumstances. (staff will have access to virtual technology at home and IDHHC offices).

Once you are in our offices:

  1. Masks are required for all staff and clients (available for purchase for $1.00)

  2. Limit number of staff working in the office adhering to WorkSafe protocols

  3. Remove waiting room chairs and install plexiglass barrier between reception/public

  4. Limited and monitored use of elevator to two (2) people

  5. Appointments schedule is staggered to avoid cross over in common areas (hallways)

  6. Each staff office is equipped with a plexiglass screen to protect client and staff

  7. Staff are required to wipe down keyboards and all surfaces after each client meeting

  8. Cleaning and disinfecting of general office and common areas is twice daily

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