IDHHC will host its Annual Tax Night on March 27, 2018 starting at 5:00pm. Tax Night is for low income Deaf, Deaf-blind, deafened and hard of hearing individuals; particularly for those who require the services of an ASL-English Interpreter or who have significant barriers to communication.
You must be on a low or fixed income.
Single person: $30,000 maximum income
Single person with one child: $35,000 maximum income(additional children $2,500 each)
Couple: $40,000 maximum income
If you are over these amounts please contact Leslee- ASAP
• You must live in the Greater Victoria area (Client exception see below) • You must be Deaf, Deaf-Blind, deafened, or hard of hearing and require the services of an ASL-English Interpreter. Hard of hearing persons may not require interpreters.
You must REGISTER BEFORE March 23, 2018 for this event.
You must REGISTER via email/text or call at Victoria IDHHC
Appointments given on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis.
We WILL NOT do Taxes for businesses, friends or family members.
2017 Taxes ONLY – Be sure to bring tax receipts, T4’s etc. If you do not have them, then they are unable to fully prepare your taxes.
CLIENT EXCEPTION: If you live outside the Greater Victoria Area and are a client at Victoria IDHHC (meaning you have received services in the past two years), please contact Susanne Harnden to register., TTY: 250-592-8147, TEXT: 250-818-5738, VOICE: 250-592-8144.