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Stories of Impact- Lisa

Lisa came to IDHHC Nanaimo for employment assistance in the Spring of 2021. New to BC from Ontario, Lisa was able to find part-time work at a grocery store in Nanaimo, but not receiving enough hours. With only about 20% of her hearing and wearing masks through COVID, Lisa struggled as she could not read lips. Then she was let go.

Having worked with Lisa on her resume, Janet, our employment case manager, was aware of Lisa’s years of commercial sewing experience, design background and enjoyment of that type of work. Janet reached out to an Adaptive Clothing Design company and introduced Lisa’s relevant skills, experience and Divers-ability. The timing was perfect as business was ramping up and the employer needed additional sewers. Lisa had an interview within the week and was hired immediately. Lisa was set up in the Island Ops 05 Wage Subsidy Program which was a win-win for both employer and employee.

IDHHC continues to provide valuable assistance with communication, problem-solving strategies and general support for both Lisa and her new employer. Lisa states: “Janet has been wonderful and very helpful. I am (now) working for a company who makes Adaptive Clothing, and it is working out wonderfully. Coming from Ontario, I can without a doubt say the support I have received in BC has been unbelievable and I am extremely grateful.”


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