Sandi has been a long-term supporter of IDHHC and advocate for services for the Deaf Community throughout mid Vancouver Island. She has also been a volunteer since long before she moved to the Island. “There was a Deaf club there that I helped with, as well as Girl Guides when my daughters were young, volunteered in their classrooms, Candy Stripers coordinator for Royal Inland Hospital etc..”
She has deep roots and extensive networks on the Island and was always ready to collaborate and to build relationships between Deaf and hard of hearing adults and IDHHC. Her involvement with IDHHC began when the Nanaimo branch office opened in 1992. Over the years Sandi has volunteered in the office and for countless agency events. When Sandi was asked why she has given her time so generously to organizations such as IDHHC, she responded with: “I’m always willing to help out where and when I can. I believe that volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and many organizations wouldn’t survive without their volunteers.”
This year IDHHC has appointed Sandra as our Honorary Lifetime Member for 2024.